If you would like to check if a Nautical Institute DP Certificate is valid, you can do this using our Verify DP Certificate page. When you add in the certificate no and surname listed on the certific...
The following information and guidance is intended to assist the applicant in reconciling any problems that may be encountered while processing credit card payments using the EPDQ system. As The Nauti...
The Nautical Institute has clarified the activities which can be used as a DP sea time day. You can read and download the definition here definition-of-a-dp-sea-time-day.pdf (nialexisplatform.org)...
The final assessment in the DP training scheme is referent to the suitability of the DP candidate to keep a DP watch in the vessel. This assessment is to be made by the Master of the vessel at the tim...
Duplicate documents may be issued if your NI logbook and or DP Certificate have been lost or stolen. Lost Logbook / DP Certificate In the case of a lost logbook or DP Certificate, you will need to pro...
Please see all public circulars below. To view these in a new browsing window, please hold down the Ctrl button when clicking on the link. Circular Number Status Referent to Subject 008/2024 Valid Imp...
IMCA - International Marine Contractors Association MTS - Marine Technology Society ASOG - Activity Specific Operating Guidelines GOMO - Guidelines for Offshore Marine Operations IMO - International M...
If you have any information regarding fraudulent use of certificates, knowledge of fraudulent sea time being claimed This applies to any irregularity or suspected irregularity of any application for ...
Once your certificate is issued, it will normally be despatched within 7 working days. Please ensure that you update your return address within your Alexisplatform account to avoid any delay in your ...