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I do not have a minimum of 150 DP sea time days. Can I still revalidate?

Yes, but in order to revalidate your DP certificate you must have completed one of the listed options for revalidation shown below:

  • If you have between 30 -150 days seatime/DP activities- You must complete the NI DP Refresher Course (including the NI Revalidation online examination)
  • If you have less than 30 days seatime/DP activities- You must complete the NI DP Revalidation Course (including the NI Revalidation online examination)
  • If you have been engaged in an occupation The Nautical Institute considers as being equivalent to the sea service (i.e. DP lecturer/instructor, DP surveyor, DP consultant, DP auditor, DP superintendent, DP supervisor), revalidation of his/her DP certificate will require a minimum of 150 days in the activity claimed in the preceding 5 years.

NOTE: The Revalidation Course may be completed up to six months before the revalidation date set by the NI. The course will be valid for a period of 12 months only, in which time the DPO must send in an application into the NI.

The entries to prove the DP occupation (c) shall be made in an NI or IMCA logbook and signed by the accredited training centre (in the case of a DP lecturer), the vessel’s Operations Manager (in the case of a DP superintendent, DP consultant, or DP supervisor) where the person has performed the work/activity or by The Nautical Institute’s authorised person (in the case of a DP auditor).

All DP sea time to be used for revalidation must be logged in the NI logbook or IMCA logbook and the time signed off by the Master.

Masters holding a DP certificate can claim for the DP sea time due to their direct responsibility for and supervision of the DP operations. In this case, the DP sea time shall be recorded in the NI or IMCA logbook, signed and stamped as the DP Master.


a) Passive DP sea time will not be accepted for revalidation purposes as it can only be counted for initial training in the task section of the logbook.
b) POSITION MOORING (POSMOOR) or THRUSTER-ASSISTED MOORING (TAM): The time on board a vessel with the classification POSITION MOORING or THRUSTER-ASSISTED MOORING (TAM) and DP class notation can be counted towards the DP sea time obtained for revalidation purposes.

Please check the Dynamic Positioning Operator’s Training and Certification Scheme document for more details.

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  1. Charlotte Brolly

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